Glengarry Routes

Come to Maxville in August to experience these legendary games, established in 1948, featuring traditional Scottish sporting and cultural activities like the caber toss, and performances by massed pipe bands, fiddlers and Highland dancers.

For over 25 years, St. Raphael’s served as the first Roman Catholic Church headquarters in Ontario under the leadership of missionary priest and military chaplain Alexander Macdonell (1762-1840).

Located in the old Williamstown Schoolhouse, this Museum focuses on the stories of the United Empire Loyalist settlers of the area and the Glengarry members of the North West Company (NWC).

Come to Maxville in August to experience these legendary games, established in 1948, featuring traditional Scottish sporting and cultural activities like the caber toss, and performances by massed pipe bands, fiddlers and Highland dancers.

Come discover and explore Glengarry Routes - a heritage tour designed to guide you through the intriguing stories of Glengarry's early settlers. You'll visit places christened with names like Breadalbane, Dalkeith, Dunvegan, Lochiel, St. Raphael’s and Glen Nevis - all serving as reminders that Glengarry is Ontario’s Celtic Heartland.
Come discover Glengarry’s heritage and be charmed by what is best described as the “Glengarry Mystique."